Therapy Process

The process of therapy is a conversation.

Through the therapy process and relational analysis, we build capacity for –

  • healing psychic grief and trauma,

  • self-acceptance,

  • reimagining and enjoying life,

  • fully exploring abilities, and

  • enhancing interpersonal skills.

We can work together to diminish obstacles that hinder the capacity to explore, connect and enjoy life – uncovering ways someone’s usual responses to situations might foreclose positive results. Yes it is possible to evolve through “stuck” places, reanimating confidence and decision-making capacity. Whether your work is trauma processing, problem solving, decreasing stress, increasing confidence, or addressing unresolved issues from childhood, my intention is to help you get along well in your world and find your ground.

Knowing more about yourself can lead to your having understanding and compassion about your problems and can work in service of successfully managing your situation. You may wish to recognize and understand underlying issues and intentions that are not always immediately apparent. Identifying and building on your unique strengths will help you formulate individualized intentions that generate change.

My integrative practice approach follows a foundational premise that mind functions in concert with the body – primarily beneath awareness. I work interactively and collaboratively. I often am asked to provide EMDR, which is a protocol and method specifically formulated to help release and heal trauma that resides deep in bodily memory. EMDR has also been successfully utilized for other issues that are not trauma-related.

In longer-term work, my therapeutic role facilitates the unwinding of knots, those stuck places that can keep a person repeating patterns that result in unhappiness. In shorter-term, problem-oriented psychotherapy or consultation my role is to help you identify, clarify and focus on your immediately relevant issues.

Whichever path you choose, we can together set goals and a time frame to periodically review to ensure that your needs are being met.

Schedule an appointment to get started.