Practice Areas & Interests


Body-Mind Practices

There are practices I recommend that completely absorb the body-mind such as Yoga, Tai-Chi, meditation, and sports if played with focus. Just a few of the benefits include managing stress by calming the central nervous system, reducing anxiety and reducing symptoms of depression.


Psychoanalysis or Psycho-dynamic Psychotherapy

Simply put, my basic grounding in psychodynamic therapy and psychoanalysis provide context for deep exploration of all that you are. The “depth” indicates bringing awareness to aspects of oneself that have not been apparent. Awareness may lead to noticing options not previously available. This work is approached from a collaborative and relational perspective which is to say our respective active engagement in the process is important. The social context and culture in which you live and work is respected as highly influential and impactful upon your life.



I utilize Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR), also referred to as “adaptive information processing.” It is a modality that is helpful with working through trauma from recent events through to childhood abuse or neglect. EMDR can be effective for more everyday problems and for removing obstacles to accomplishing goals. EMDR integrates methods from several traditions such as the cognitive and behavioral, yet its use involves a discrete protocol.


Spiritual Practices

Spiritual practices can evoke feelings of well-being and provide a helpful impetus to processing grief. Sometimes just slowing down enough to see things as they are is plenty restorative. Specific practices focused on compassion and generating gratitude deepen and enliven.


Nonviolent Communication

Communication with intention to express what we mean without doing damage! Always supporting understanding and inclusion. Practicing a mindful approach to getting our feelings and needs met through increased self-and-other awareness. Originally developed by Marshall Rosenberg, mindfully elaborated by Oren Sofer and practiced by many.


Spiritual Practice Concerns

Spiritual practitioners seeking help with issues that arise during practice, but may fall outside the traditional or expected realm of spiritual guidance.